ZAFUL / Z-Me /



  A "cool girl" look: white top and elegant skirt with some beautiful accessories

A "cool girl" look: white top and elegant skirt with some beau…

    here I have created a very powerful Scorpio look. Scorpios tend to look mean but they as well have a sweet side arou…

here I have created a very powerful Scorpio look. Scorpios tend to…

    Kinda comfy but still a fit

Kinda comfy but still a fit

    Simplistic x but very grunge ✨⛓

Simplistic x but very grunge ✨⛓

   *tch     *tch 😈

#badassb*tch #badassb*tch 😈

      cute, timid with a wild side. Showing just how intense a mixture of moods ends up being a rocking outfit matching …

cute, timid with a wild side. Showing just how i…





    scorpio ✨✨✨

scorpio ✨✨✨

    scorpio ✨✨✨✨✨

scorpio ✨✨✨✨✨

I am a fan of white and black together and those pants will set the whole outfit off. Combat boots rock this outfit.…

I am a fan of white and black together and those pants will set t…

  all my girls out there always wearing black, i got you! i always try to wear some colors but at the end i end up with …

all my girls out there always wearing black, i got you! i always try to wear som…

     Travel black and white outfit

Travel black and white outfit #CollegeLife…

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