
   for those who love comfortable, fresh, edgy styles and dresses ♡

for those who love comfortable, fresh, edgy styles and dresses ♡

  earth-toned color that looks relaxing in my eyes. this is the most realistic BTS outfit I could think of especially Ph…

earth-toned color that looks relaxing in my eyes. this is the most realistic B…

 most overrated outdoor style you&;ll see in a normal / lowkey people in a tropical, 3rd country. yaz! we don&;t wear gl…

most overrated outdoor style you'll see in a normal / lowkey people in a tropical, 3rd country…

 summary of what my clothes & accessories really looks like IRL. 🤣

summary of what my clothes & accessories really looks like IRL. 🤣…

 just going to the grocery in a tropical country (with the grocery&;s high temp aircon) to buy some corned beef lol

just going to the grocery in a tropical country (with the grocery's high t…

 grungy chick 😊

grungy chick 😊

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